Friday, January 29, 2010

Snowpocalypse Now

Yeah for snow in Arkansas!!  Just finished the somewhat gratuitous snowball fight and snow angel creation in the front yard.  It must be done if you are 1. an Arkansan who only sees snow once or twice a year; 2. you only see six inches once every five years (or more); and 3. you are the parent of preschool aged children who also can be categorized under section 1. and 2.



Funny conversation between me and David while we were outside.
Me:  Oh, I'm so glad the lights are still on the house.  It looks like Christmas!
Him:  Shut it.
Me:  Do you think you could get up on the roof tomorrow and take them down? (Sweet Grin)
Him:  Only if you want me to fall off the roof.
Me:  If I put your coat on, what do you think I'll turn into (you know, like on The Santa Clause)
Him:  An a***ole.

At least he admits it.


Brian, Jamie, Molly & Sarah said...

You are SO bad :). Be sure and tell David we just took our inside Christmas decorations down yesterday. FINALLY!!! The snow was a lot of fun, wasn't it?!?!

ashleigh said...

John Mark has asked repeatedly if it is Christmas again. I should have driven him over to your place :)